Is Danger Camp Dangerous?

One of our favorite gags on the first day of camp is to ask our campers, “Are your parents trying to get rid of you? Why would they send you to a place called Danger Camp!?” But given the title, one might be surprised to learn that very few parents actually ask the question, “Is Danger Camp dangerous?” Perhaps some parents know and trust the camp founders. Others may assume that if the camp is sponsored by a school, it must be safe. Possibly, kids have so much fun at Danger Camp, parents simply don’t want to know what we are doing. But before we get into HOW dangerous Danger Camp is, I’d like to first talk about the WHY.

Baby Boomers (born before 1964), as well as the members of Generation X (1965-1976), grew up in a very different environment than Millennials and whatever we’re going to call our current youngsters. Back then, school, clubs, and sports were less demanding and taxed less of our time. Children were not carted from activity to activity and had less (or no) access to games, movies, and social media. They were often expected to entertain themselves. There was a tremendous amount of freedom and often little supervision.

I’m currently reading a book called Where the H-E-double-hockey-sticks Were Your Parents, by Nathan Weathington, a hilarious memoir about a pair of twins growing up in Bremen, Georgia. The lack of supervision these boys had is scandalous. They had no sense of the words, being safe, and without a doubt (the author would agree) they were terrors to the community. But Weathington’s point is clear. He and his brother grew up fiercely independent and if push came to shove, they could fend for themselves.

To be clear, no one is advocating for a pair of nine-year-olds to be able to hitchhike to the state line and buy fireworks. But most parents would agree that confidence, independence, and imagination, are positive qualities for their children to develop. The founders of Danger Camp bring a theater background to the program. But theater is about make-believe. Actors pretend to be someone else. By relying on old-fashioned fun and by adding a small element of danger in a safe and controlled environment, we find our campers become 100% invested. At that level of buy-in, we’re no longer pretending to be pirates. Add a few cardboard swords and we are pirates. When kids are committed and feel they are free to be themselves, confidence and self-esteem thrive.

So, is Danger Camp dangerous?

In my high school shop class, I tell my students that tools are not necessarily dangerous. It all depends on how you use them. But no matter how careful you are, power tools are always potentially dangerous. Students must learn to treat the tools with respect. In camp, concerned parents would no doubt raise an eyebrow if they knew we played with fire. But when we “play” with fire, we use a chemically enhanced medium that burns so quickly, it can’t burn your skin. And although we know how safe it is, we present it as if we are truly working with fire. Our campers learn to treat each activity with respect. In class, I expect high school students to pay attention and work with caution. In camp, we assume the opposite. Although most campers follow directions, some don’t remember the rules we set out or simply don’t have the self-awareness to follow them. For their age and development –that’s okay.

Danger Camp activities are often designed to appear much more dangerous than they really are. We work with small groups, but in activities deemed to be potentially dangerous, we may only have two or three campers participating at any given moment. Other campers are kept at a distance and out of harm’s way. In these types of activities, kids stay engaged even while waiting their turn because they are just as excited to watch the others take their turns.

There are plenty of ways to introduce danger to an activity besides using real fire and pointy objects. Campers infiltrate the enemy spy headquarters protected by alarms and lasers. They must navigate an obstacle course before time runs out. They have to escape a room as a timebomb ticks away in the corner. But again, at Danger Camp, the real goal of the danger, the perceived danger, and even the imaginary danger is to raise the stakes. It increases the excitement and at the same time nurtures growth, confidence, and independence. That commitment bleeds into other activities that encourage problem-solving, creative thinking, and curiosity.

So, there you have it. Danger Camp, like every other camp, is potentially dangerous, but we make it as safe as possible. Our campers experience their fair share of scrapes and bruises but considering the potential for growth and development, I’d like to think a few scrapes are worth it. Based on the number of returning campers we see each summer, I think some of our parents agree.

Choosing a Day Camp

The chilly months of January and February always seem too early to start thinking about summer camp, but that’s when many camps begin to open their registration. For parents who are considering day camps, it’s a good idea to start narrowing down your choices early to ensure your top choices don’t fill up and become unavailable. Today, there are many options when it comes to day camps. Where do you start? Here are a few things to think about as you begin your search for the perfect camp for your child.

One of the best places to start looking is at your child’s school. Do they offer summer camps? If this is your child’s first time at a camp, the familiar atmosphere, staff, and fellow campers can be reassuring. But be sure to check out other schools nearby. They may have different options and an opportunity for your child to make new friends. At Danger Camp, about 25-30% of our campers come from other local schools.

Also, check with other parents. They may have suggestions or ideas you may not be able to find with a simple internet search. At Danger Camp, we rely on word-of-mouth and do very little marketing or advertising. Although recommendations are often helpful, just remember that what works for one child or family may not be the best option for you. Ask questions. What do they like about that particular camp? Are there any concerns or reservations? A minor issue for them may be a deal-breaker from your perspective.

Keep in mind that a premium experience will often cost more. If a camp seems pricey, check with families who attended last year. Make sure you are paying for an awesome experience, not just an expensive location. We believe Danger Camp provides a unique and exciting experience for our campers, but we also provide lunch, t-shirts, and supplies. Find out what is included in a camp and if there are any additional fees.

Ask about the counselor to camper ratio. Does that ratio remain the same all day or does it vary from activity to activity? At Danger Camp, each activity has a staff leader with groups of campers no larger than ten. But we also have additional staff that float to wherever they are needed most. That brings our overall ratio down to 6 campers per counselor, not including our nurse who is stationed in the clinic. Providing additional staff also means that if one camper feels sick or falls during a game of tag, someone is available to escort them to the nurse.

And since we are talking about injuries, ask about the safety protocol of the camp you are considering. Obviously, with a name like Danger Camp, you can be sure that the safety of our campers is our top priority. While many of our activities might be described as old-fashioned rough-and-tumble games like tag, rope swings, and mock sword battles, we also let kids flirt with potential real danger. This might include archery, pyrotechnics, or roasting hot dogs over a campfire. Although we find that most follow directions, we start with that not all will. Every activity is designed in a way to prevent campers from hurting themselves and others. But even a safe and well-supervised playground can witness injuries. Find out how camps handle minor injuries like scrapes and bruises as well as medical emergencies. What are the procedures if, for some reason, parents cannot be contacted? While we hope emergencies never happen, a camp with no plan is a serious red flag.

There are a host of details to consider depending on the needs and interests of your child and family. Far too many for a short blog post. Hopefully, these thoughts will help you start your own list of priorities and questions. Now throw another log on the fire, make yourself a cup of hot cocoa, and start thinking about summer!